Our engineers conceive, design, build, supervise, operate, construct and maintain infrastructural projects and systems be it private or industrial.

Our team of engineers:

  • Analyze long range plans, survey reports, maps, and other data to plan and design projects
  • Consider construction costs, government regulations, potential environmental hazards, and other factors during the planning and risk-analysis stages of a project.
  • Compile and submit permit applications to local, state, and federal agencies, verifying that projects comply with various regulations
  • Oversee and analyze the results of soil testing to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations
  • Analyze the results of tests on building materials, such as concrete, wood, asphalt, or steel, for use in particular projects
  • Prepare cost estimates for materials, equipment, or labor to determine a project’s economic feasibility
  • Perform or oversee surveying operations to establish building locations, site layouts, reference points, grades, and elevations to guide construction.
  • Manage the repair, maintenance, and replacement of private and industrial infrastructure

Our structural engineers gives the best structural designs and structural analysis of your buildings, we identify the loads which act upon your structure and the forces, stresses which arise within the structure due to the loads and then design the structure to successfully support and resist the loads.

Our design consideration include but not limited to strength, stability of the structure when subjected to loads which may be static, such as furniture or self-weight, or dynamic such as wind, seismic, crowd or vehicle loads, or transitory such as temporary construction loads or impact. Other considerations include cost, constructability, safety, aesthetics and sustainability.

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